How do you think about risk? What role has taking risks played in your life/career? Check out responses from hidden gems from our community below.

Julia Sztuczkowska | Traveler & Model

From my own life experience, but also what my friends and family told me over the past years, you will never succeed if you don’t take the risk. Staying in our comfort zones is of course very comfortable, but if we want to move forward, try new things, live a better life, we need to leave that comfort zone in order to grow. In my personal life I had to make those decisions many times, sometimes sacrificing my friendships, relationships, studies… Read more>>

Mark Marshall | Musician, Songwriter

Believing in what you’re saying is crucial when taking risks for success and personal growth. Playing it safe rarely leads to meaningful progress, but I approach decisions with a clear understanding of the potential benefits and drawbacks. Read more>>

Knowbody | Artist & Creative Director

I believe that taking risks are essential for personal and professional growth. Throughout my life and career, I’ve come to understand that taking risks can lead to both success and failure. However, I’ve also learned that even when things don’t go as planned, failures can be valuable learning opportunities. Read more>>

Jessica Cacace | Branding, Design & Marketing

I believe everyone needs to experience risk in their lives in order to grow. It is a crucial way to gain experience and create new opportunities. With that being said, risk can be a scary thought and I was no different. The thought of leaving a steady, salaried job with a guaranteed income had be a bit panicked. But I also realized that without taking that leap, I was going to feel “stuck” working for someone else’s dream forever. And for me, the risk far outweighed any potential disadvantages. From my experience, it is important to go in to taking a risk in life and/or career knowing that it may harm you in the short term. Read more>>

Monica Diaz | CEO of ISC PR Group & Communications Advisor

I honestly would not have the life I have now without taking risks. I have never held back on opportunity or decision in my life and all have come with a risk and the fear of the unknown. I grew up in El Paso Texas, since I was a young kid, I would never let fear of the unknown or people talk me out of doing the something that I felt compelled to try. For example, when I was in the 5th grade, I was determined to make the choir without being able to carry a tune (did not make it) I entered a speech competition in the 7th grade won 1st place for a monologue I delivered and realized I loved public speaking, and now my career is in public speaking. Read more>>

Arielle Valle | Co-Owner and Creator of The Wallflower Shoppe

Taking risks is always a challenge for me. I always feel like I’m going to make the wrong decision. But lately I’ve been experiencing that those really tough risks and changes are usually the ones that are most necessary for growth. My biggest risk this year was quitting my full time job and it was the best thing I could have ever done. I had been contemplating this choice for over a year. And one day I knew it was finally time, if I wanted to give myself and my business the chance to grow. Read more>>

Connie Chi | Founder, Publicist, and Television/Film Studio Head

Being an entrepreneur is all about taking risks. It allows you to step outside your comfort zone and get creative with accomplishing your goals. Sometimes the risks you take work out beautifully while other times they become your biggest lessons. The art of risk taking is ultimately figuring out a balance between when and how to make your move. Read more>>

Scott Jeffries | artist

Risk. There is a great quote from Muhammad Ali -” He who is not courageous enough to take risk will accomplish nothing in life” As an Artist, it has been essential for me to be consistent with the mindset that if I have an opportunity to do something which i perceive as risky, I should focus on the positive probable outcomes then get caught up in the negative. Read more>>

Mario Magalhaes | Entrepreneur

Risk taking. Something that is known to each and everyone around the world from all walks of life. Each and everyday we are given choices to make that can lead us on entirely new paths. And with each choice comes a risk of success or failure. And even the failure could lead to success further down the road. For myself, I tend to try and at least be as calculated as possible in my risk taking though more often than not one must just take the leap of faith and plunge into the unknown to be able to reach and achieve certain goals that once seemed unattainable. Read more>>