What’s one thing about your industry that outsiders are probably unaware of?

We asked experts from a broad range of industries to open up to us about things they know about their industry but that we probably don’t and we’ve shared some of those responses below.
Pet sitting and dog walking is way more than just playing with pets all day. It’s an actual local business in your community! Professional pet sitters and dog walkers are very different from the neighbor next door, the college student home for the summer, or even Rover/Wag dog walkers who all mostly pet sit as a hobby or side gig hoping to make some extra money. Professional pet sitters and dog walkers are just that – professionals. We have our own licensed company, often an LLC, including insurance and bonding. Most of us do this as a full time job and have several clients who we service in our area. Read more>>
One thing about the music industry that outsiders are probably not aware of is that I feel like it actually takes a lot more courage and sense of self to take a risk to follow your dreams. So many times you are put through the ringer, you are made to feel like you’re not good enough, you are judged constantly. But I think its about knowing your purpose and being able to push through those moments where you don’t know where your next paycheck is coming from, or when you are rejected. It takes balls! Read more>>
Im a physician, and one thing that others might not be aware of is the large deficit of Black Women that exists in the medical field. This deficit includes positions from nurses, to physicians, to administration. I do my very best to encourage others to pursue medicine to help fill these gaps, but we have a long way to go. Black women only make up 2% of practicing physicians in the united states. There are equally low numbers of black women in healthcare administration. Of course this wide disparity ultimately also mimics the the poorer outcomes that black women are more likely to experience in today’s health care. Im doing my very best to try to bring awareness and address these gaps while also doing my due diligence to provide excellent patient care. Read more>>
There is so much competition out there ! Don’t let it discourage you from pursuing your business. Read more>>