The Early Days: why did you start a business

Are you thinking about starting a business? If so, we think you’ll enjoy reading about how these seasoned entrepreneurs thought about the question when they were in your shoes.
I am the founder of The One Lyfe – Lifestyle Apparel company ( I had an ‘aha’ moment to create this apparel company while I was at Grant Cardone’s 10x Conference in 2019. If you haven’t heard about Grant Cardone’s 10x conferences – they are literally 3 days of life change messages from influential people. Read more>>
I started my own business to be able to focus on what matters the most to me and serve clients who align with my vision. Leading my own company allows me to combine my passion for brand strategy with graphic design to help my clients communicate their message and let their passion shine through. Read more>>
I felt own my own wedding planning business was the right path. My thought behind starting a successful business was preparation and education. I received my college degree in Event Management, interned with several different wedding vendors including a florist, planner, and decorator, and worked within the event industry for 7 years before I felt like I had enough experience to strike out on my own. Read more>>
Proper Mental Attitude became a creed and lifestyle long before it became a creative process and art business for me . Borne out of a need to focus and maintain a modicum of normalcy while my older son ,Jared, fought cancer . It was through art that we remained united using our talents and cynical ,yet whimsical , sense of humors to create cartoons . After his death, Proper Mental Attitude became a refuge giving me the opportunity to continue using my art to find purpose and inspiration. Read more>>
For nearly 20 years my career as an artist was painting art sold in galleries and by commission. In 2018, believing that wearable art created an avenue for women’s self expression, I created an experimental line of art designed clothing. Every piece of clothing – leggings, capris, skirts, tops, accessories – was and still are created from one of many of my original paintings. Read more>>