What’s the right balance between work and non-work time? The traditional 9-5 has slowly disappeared with the emails and zoom and texting going far beyond traditional business hours. We asked members of our community to share with us how they think about work-life balance.
Sorraya Guillaume | Interior Designer
It’s been interesting to see how my perception and experience of work-life balance has evolved over the course of my life. In the early stages of my career, as a young twenty-something, it was known that you should arrive at the office before your boss and leave after they did. Demonstrating dedication and enthusiasm for work was highly valued. The occaisonal working late at the office didn’t affect me much because once I left, my personal time was my personal time. Work hard, play hard, right? Read more>>
Kaeli Hammer | Junior Art Director & Photographer
You are always told about work/life balance being important while in school. You are told it is important, but it also sometimes feels impossible. Today the “hustle” culture is really prominent with everyone being told they should always have side hustles or in order to move up in your career you must prioritize work before anything else. Read more>>
Vimari Roman | Career Strategist and Executive Coach
I realize now that there’s no such thing as work/life balance. We are one person and have one life which includes so many different aspects and pieces and work is just one of those pieces. It’s a lot more like work/life integration and I seek life balance. I also teach my clients to do the same. For example, there may be times our priority has to be our work and then there are other times when our home may be a priority and we need to be able to balance that. We need to stop seeking something impossible. There will never be a time when we are balanced in all areas however if we integrate our life and realize that as the goal, we will feel less stress and burnout. Read more>>
Alison Kay Bowles | Model & Influencer
This is a tough one- I’m a workaholic for sure. Not to mention we also live in the most fast-paced, work-centric society in the world. I have a hard time with feeling guilty when I am not working. I have learned to let myself have days off, rest days, and time to enjoy life. We have to refill our cup before we can pour out again! Read more>>