Working hard or hardly working?

What’s the right balance between work and non-work time? The traditional 9-5 has slowly disappeared with the emails and zoom and texting going far beyond traditional business hours. We asked members of our community to share with us how they think about work-life balance.
It’s taken some time to realize what truly brings that balance for me. Now I know that above all it is nature and alone time. Duality has been an ever-present reality in everything I do. Most of the time it feels like I’m being drawn in all directions, but I have begun to embrace it. Knowing that my art takes many forms and that my practice involves many roles. It can be hard to define what I do, but I approach each day open to whatever evolution takes place. Whether I’m creating music, running a label or designing virtual environments, and building an online VR game, I always balance by indulging in other things that I love such as collecting ingredients for new recipes, playing video games, and spending time in nature. Read more>>
There have been times when I’m working on a project that I feel guilty for not having enough time for my friends, hobbies, and family. Sometimes as an artist it’s hard to find a defined line between work and personal life. Entertainment is such a fast paced industry and more often than not it feels like work doesn’t end after leaving set. As a creative entrepreneur there could be days when I would be on set for 12+ hours then up until the wee hours of the morning answering emails or instagram dm’s. That’s just the way it is sometimes and I love working so I saw no need to change that. When I first started working in the film industry I was taking pretty much every gig that came my way, good or bad. Read more>>
Work life balance is important sometimes when you step away from work he can help you I’ll come back with a fresh refreshed and renewed view and they can get monotonous sometimes if you’re working on a project for several weeks but I also feel blessed that my work is also something I love to do and it is the funnest thing to do as well I think it’s important to do with you love Annette Filipino blessed to be able to do that for a living and meeting people the other artist another creative while doing my work is inspiring please also good sometimes just to sip all the way away from your work even know it’s fun because it’s better for your work you have to have a balance I’d like to go and do nature and spend time with family I am jump in the ocean. Read more>>
As an artist, I am constantly producing and creating. Since starting my business, I have had to find a balance in creating art for my business and art for my soul. This past year I got a studio downtown Hollywood and it has been the most balanced period for me and my business. Ceramic tile has several parts to the process. I have isolated the sculpting and pressing processes to my downtown space. I have also designated certain times of the week when I just go there and work. When I am there, I am only thinking about wet clay and what I want to do with it. Office work, loading kilns, glazing are shipping are removed from the equation. It has given me an opportunity to focus on my own artistic pursuits in tile and given me a place to showcase these pieces. From these self directed projects I have gotten more custom work. Read more>>
My definition of a work/life balance has changed a lot throughout the years for many reasons. At first, my work/life balance was 100% centered around myself. It was about going golfing, hanging out at a friend’s house, having poker night with my guys, etc. But as time passed, I realized that my work/life balance isn’t just about me, it’s about the relationships that I’m trying to foster. Now, my time off is dedicated to the relationship I value most of all, my marriage. My wife is amazing, and she’s the reason why I do what I do, so it’s important for me to spend time with her and keep that motivation alive. Another thing that has changed about my work/life balance is how I look at it. I don’t think my work hours have lessened throughout the years, but what I have learned to do is really become more efficient with my time off. Read more>>
Over the time, I have learned that balance for me is learning how to manage the time for myself, the time for work and the time for hobbies and the time for friends and family. I started dividing everything in categories and before I start each week I write down my priorities for the self and for the work. Triple tasking doesn’t go with my way of being and the way I work. I also discovered that a way of productivity is being present at every moment of work and life, so when you tried to divide yourself in million pieces you’re also diving your energy, and not enjoying what you do. Read more>>
I tend to be a workaholic and when starting a new business, it requires so much work and research. Typically there is not enough time in the day to do everything I need to get done. Which leads me to working 12-16 hours days to get things going. Now having a family and two daughters 10,and 12 years old, I always want to spend as much time with them as possible. So my schedule with them for school, and after school activities like gymnastics and volleyball take priority. Luckily my wife is a big help in taking care a lot of the home responsibilities, which allow me to focus on the businesses I run. My wife, is the best teammate I have and helps me manage all the things we have going on in our daily lives. I like to schedule the blocks of time I need for the family, and try to use later night-time hours to do extra work. Read more>>
When I first started out in the creative industry it was because in my personal life I was interested in creative things. I never saw a difference or a division between the two. I went to school for art, I worked as a model for art and fashion jobs, I graduated and got a day job working for an art fair, later at a fashion photo studio, and now at a fine art print shop. I then come home after my day jobs and make my own art. For my entire life, up until recently, there was no division between my work life and my personal life because in my head they were one in the same. As I’ve gotten older, gotten into relationships, had other relationships fall apart (work and personal), I have realized the great importance of knowing for yourself where to draw the line where work starts and where your personal life starts. Read more>>