Betty Martin M.S | Therapist, Speaker & Author

We had the good fortune of connecting with Betty Martin M.S and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Betty, how has your work-life balance changed over time?
My balance has changed tremendously over time while doing business.. When I first began I was a mother of one and a wife. As time went on our family grew and my career expanded. I learned that my children’s bedtime was the best time to send out invoices, information and work on projects that needed to be completed. I learned that balance came from strict guidelines and boundaries. The only way I could balance home life and business was to embrace setting schedules and understanding that my time is valuable so treat it well..
Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I am a Therapist, Life Coach, Pastor and Author. The best way to sum it up is that I am a helper. I help people put their lives back together and that’s what I am most proud of. I got here by being authentic, real not giving up on people, walking along side people’s journey. Pushing them to be their true self.. It wasn’t easy because we live in a world where people live with mask on and sometimes don’t want to deal with past trauma and tragedy. The best way that I have found to get past these challenges was to embrace every stage of their process there journey, understanding that this is all apart of their masterpiece. I have learned that lessons are relevant to every day experiences and with wisdom and patience you will win over your clients every time.. Be yourself.. What I want people to know about me is that I am not perfect but I am willing to fight for you as long as you fight for your self.
Any great local spots you’d like to shoutout?
My itinerary would look a little like this: We would definitely get a room on the beach, we would go to Kaluz, Shooter’s, Coconuts, Alberties Haitian restaurant and eat street BBQ and soul food. I will visit places like the beach of course to swin and do some water sports like go parasailing, I would walk the strip of Las Olas and Wynwood Miami. We will do some shopping and might catch a movie. We will call some old friends and have a get together with games, a potluck and drinks.. But one of the things that I would look forward to the most is seeing my bestfriend from elementary and high school and reminiscing on old times with laughter..
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I want to dedicate my Shoutout to my husband Luc Pierre…I would not be able to do all that I do without his support and love. My Apostle for her encouragement and life giving words. My mother and sisters that have my back and make sure my children are supported, and taken care of..
Website: and
Instagram: Bet_luv_lp
Linkedin: Betty Martin
Facebook: The Change agent Coach Betty
Youtube: TheBettyMartin85