We reached out to some of our favorite entrepreneurs and asked them to think back and tell us about how they decided to start a business. Check out their responses below.

Mitte Projects | Art Platform

The idea of starting Mitte Projects came from a deep passion for creating spaces that inspire and connect while making art more accessible to a wider audience. We envisioned a platform that goes beyond traditional galleries by curating immersive experiences where art transforms into something you don’t just view but truly feel and live. Read more>>

Robert Jeffers | Professional Photographer

I’ve always been a hustler. Ever since I was a kid. I always had my own little business or side hustle. So when U got older it was always a goal of mine to have my own business doing something that I enjoyed doing. And once I got serious about becoming a photographer, I absolutely knew I had to start my own photography business. Read more>>

Molly Harrington | Brand Founder & Marketing Executive

I knew I wanted to create a product that honored mothers, making them feel seen and special, and also one that gave back to mothers in need. Motherhood is quite possibly the most intimate shared experience women can have. Mamas who have absolutely nothing in common, and whose life and circumstance can look completely different from each other’s, share this deep bond through the experience of motherhood, and so the idea for the MAMASTE bracelet (pronounced like “namaste”) is a symbol & reminder of this divine connection that all mamas share. Read more>>