We asked insiders and experts from various industries to tell us something they think outsiders are unaware of and we’ve shared a few of those responses below.

Lucette Talamas, MS, RD, LDN | Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Many do not realize there is a difference between a nutritionist and a dietitian. Simply said, all dietitians are nutritionists but not all nutritionists are dietitians. Registered Dietitians (RD) or Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDN) are food and nutrition experts who have met the following criteria in order to earn their credentials: Read more>>

Meaghan Kent | Curator

Modern and Contemporary Art is such an enormous part of who I am and how I look at things. I was lucky enough to be introduced to the field in high school. It was always accessible to me and for many, it just isn’t. So, I believe there is an impression that my industry can be inaccessible – this was certainly the case when I worked in the gallery industry. But anyone can make art, see art, and talk about art. Read more>>

Andi Smart-Allen | State Director, Best Buddies in Florida and Inclusion Advocate

The non-profit sector is most often credited with doing good in the world. While that is true, most people fail to realize non-profit operations closely align for-profit operations inclusive of driving results to meet quantitative and qualitative goals. For example, liken a fundraiser to a sales associate. Read more>>

Silvia Dominguez Vanni | Co-Founder, Executive Director

I believe there are many things that people do not know about the Childhood Cancer world. But if I had to pick one, the main thing that people are not aware of about childhood cancer is the fact that is the #1 disease killer of children in our country. Childhood cancer does not get the publicity or the awareness that it should. No one wants to think about the possibility that their child could have cancer, so it’s easier to turn away or ignore the fact that kids get cancer at all. Read more>>