How has your background affected your future?

Where you grew up and your background can often have surprising effects on our lives and careers. We’ve asked folks from the community to tell us about how their background has affected them.
My name is Veronica Tirado and I was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I started practicing gymnastics at age 5 and then added years of dancing, acrobatic gymnastics and aerial silks. This combined with the fierce determination has prepared me to reach new heights, personally and professionally, and apply what I have learned after earning a B.A. in business administration, and becoming a USA Gymnastics certified coach and director. I also possess multiple certifications such as, health and safety (CPR, AED, FIRST AID), Read more>>
My name is Resurrection, and I am a musician and content creator based out of Miami, FL. I was born in Mexico in June of 1987. My parents then migrated to a small town in Miami, called Homestead. My parents made a living in agriculture. On summer breaks my dad would take my sister Eloisa and I to pick beans. From a young age we were taught to work for our goals. Musically growing up in Miami and being around various cultures allowed me listen to many types of music genres. As a child, I first listened to Mexican regional and Tejano music, like Vicente Fernandez, Grupo Limite, Selena, La Mafia, Rigo Morales, and many more. But I also remember hearing salsa, merengue, and bachata. Read more>>
I was born in Colombia, Bogotá. I can sum up my upbringing by telling you about my general education. I did pre k and kindergarten in Colombia, I did elementary school in Miami/North Lauderdale, I did middle school in Colombia and I started and finished high school here in south beach at Beach High. As you can see I was literally all over the place. The impact it had during my formative years was huuuuge. When I was a kid I was really shy and tended to be a bit of a loner. During elementary when I moved up north I was picked on a lot, topical bullying and such. Read more>>