Meet Silvia Dominguez Vanni | Co-Founder, Executive Director

We had the good fortune of connecting with Silvia Dominguez Vanni and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Silvia, is there something you can share with us that those outside of the industry might not be aware of?
I believe there are many things that people do not know about the Childhood Cancer world. But if I had to pick one, the main thing that people are not aware of about childhood cancer is the fact that is the #1 disease killer of children in our country. Childhood cancer does not get the publicity or the awareness that it should. No one wants to think about the possibility that their child could have cancer, so it’s easier to turn away or ignore the fact that kids get cancer at all. But, alarmingly, the latest statistics show that one in every 285 children in the US will have cancer by the age of 20. That is something that everyone should know.
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
Running a Childhood Cancer Foundation was never one of my life goals or anywhere in my thoughts to be honest. I was thrown into the Childhood Cancer world when my 4 1/2 year old baby was diagnosed with stage IV Neuroblastoma cancer. It was September 10, 2007. A day that is forever etched in my mind. The pain, the anguish, the terror, the complete and utter devastation of life as I knew it. From that day forward nothing has been or ever will be the same. Being told that my baby had a 20% chance to live 5 years was truly unimaginable to me. I didn’t believe them, there was no way that I was going to lose my baby. It was at that time when my husband and I realized how little money went to Childhood Cancer Research and we decided that we were going to do everything that we could to save our baby’s life. We started our Foundation just months later. As I traveled the country with my precious baby trying to find a cure for him, my family held fundraisers to help fund the desperately needed research. We started a lab at the University of Miami were Sal’s cells were sent as well as other children’s to research potential new drugs to fight their disease. Most know how the story ends, after 3 1/2 years of torturous and barbaric treatments, my baby died a very painful and torturous death. I vowed at that moment to do everything that I could so that other children and families would not suffer as my baby did. If I learned one lesson throughout this journey, it is that we all have the strength within us to do inconceivable & difficult things. Somehow I found the strength to go on after the most tragic and painful experience known to mankind.
The loss of my baby Sal taught me that love and grief are forever. You grieve BECAUSE you loved. I want parents to understand that we must grieve, that it is normal to cry, that it will forever be painful, but also that we must each find our own way to live with the pain. We must each find a way to somehow have joy in our lives again, even through our pain.
You ask what I would like the world to know about my Mystic Force Foundation and what sets us apart from others. I believe I would like everyone to know that our Foundation was built on Love. It was built on strength and perseverance and and on a promise that we will Change the World of Childhood Cancer.
My love of children, my unwanted experience, and my passion to help others are my strengths. Knowing what children battling cancer go through, what they need, and what they should have help me make my decisions. Salvatore will always be my inspiration and the reason for everything that I do.
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I truly believe in collaboration. That together we are stronger, and together we can do so much more. I am so thankful for my community and all of the organizations that help me help our children. There are so many that I am thankful to. Charities such as Ride2Revive, SIDES Foundation, Sofia’s Hope, and Arms Wide Open are just a few that are always ready and willing to collaborate and help bring happiness to our children. The North Miami Police Department, who on a moments notice is available for anything we need for one of our kids. The Dante Law Firm, who for the last four years have sponsored our magical Heroes Hangout and have helped to bring endless joy and happiness to our children battling this devastating disease. The Mayors of Miami-Dade County and beyond who every September listen to my stories, and my requests, and honor our children by declaring September as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. The bakeries such as Bettersweet Vegan Bakery and others who constantly donate beautiful cakes for our children’s celebrations. My unbelievable group of Mystic Force Ladies who help make everything happen. My list of gratefulness for the success of our Mystic Force Foundation and Heroes Hangout is truly endless and I am eternally thankful for everyone who helps me to change the world of Childhood Cancer.