Perspectives on Risk-Taking

There is a wealth of academic research that suggests that differences in risk appetite are at the heart of differences in career and business trajectories. We wanted to go beyond the theory and ask real people from the community about their perspectives and experiences with risk and risk taking.
I consider myself a huge risk taker because I have a lot of faith in God! Everything I’ve done in life so far has been about taking risks & He has not let me done at all! I dropped out of college to pursue my passion of doing hair full time. I took another risk by getting a full time job at USPS. I risked my health by not sleeping & eating properly to reach the level of clientele that I have today. So many sleepless nights. Read more>>
I believe most people would not want to head to work everyday if their life was at risk, or they risked bringing something deadly home to their children or elderly parents. Sure every job has risks. Most people join the army thinking they will never go to war, and if a war erupts, they won’t be on the front lines. Unfortunately working healthcare during this unprecedented time poses higher risk, not just to oursleves, but to our families as well. Read more>>
Taking risks is scary. But they are a part of the human experience – and necessary for anyone unwilling to settle. Taking risks was not something I did often as a child and even into early adulthood. Every time I sensed that I should take a leap of faith, my mind was quick to start analyzing all the reasons why I should stay put and just ride out the situation where I was. I let the fear of “making the wrong decision” block me from making any decision at all. Read more>>
I believe in challenges, and it means also to risk and to walk on uncertain ground. Art has never been a safe and guaranteed place and creating is making something out of nothing. It can be paralyzing but also very rewarding to create something that was never done before. I believe that authentic expression, innovation, creativity and change grows in the ground of uncertainty. Read more>>
I have always been the risk adverse type. I never wanted to do anything out of the norm. I was by the book for most of my life. The first big risk I took was taking my first trip to NYC by myself at age 19 to go on a second date with a random guy I met in Florida. That random guy is now my husband. Always go with your gut. The second biggest risk I’ve taken was at age 39. I decided to give entreprenuership a try in an industry that I previously made fun of all because the opportunity made sense and I fell inlove with the products. Read more>>