Persevere or Pivot?

To persevere or to pivot is a question that do-ers have been asking themselves since the beginning of time. It’s never a straight road when you are doing something new, blazing a trail, breaking a ceiling, or pushing boundaries, so it’s only natural to wonder whether to give up midway. How do you know whether to keep going or to give up?
As a survivor and founder of Fly With Both Wings, I often ask myself whether to keep going or give up. The journey of establishing a nonprofit is fraught with challenges, setbacks, and moments of doubt. Yet, it is in these moments that I find the most profound clarity and purpose. Read more>>
Simple: you never give up. When you create—especially in music—you’ll encounter naysayers, sometimes even within your own family. But you’ve already felt the call; you know you can’t live without making the art your heart urges you to create. Once you reach that point, there’s no turning back. Your mission is to bring your vision to life. Will your work achieve commercial success? Read more>>
When you’re on the right path, things can get tougher. I used to avoid my problems, but once I started facing them directly, everything showed me to keep going and never give up. If it’s something you really want, ask yourself how badly you want it, no matter how hard it gets. Read more>>
I don’t think giving up is an option. I’ve been in moments where I’ve wanted to give up, but I pushed through just to see what would happen and that’s when everything started to align. Giving up isn’t an option but reinventing yourself or your ideas and how you approach things is. Read more>>