Perspectives on work life balance

The Coronavirus has given many us an opportunity to pause and think about life, our purpose, and even the right work life balance. What’s your perspective and has it changed over time?
Work life balance is always changing. We have to accept that at times, work may weigh heavier than life, however what we don’t have to accept is the scales tipping beyond control. The lines may blur at times, that doesn’t mean we need to run ourselves into the ground trying to “hustle” and “out work” the room. I have found myself becoming more in tune with my self as a person. What can I handle? When do I say no? When SHOULD I say no? The work we produce in the creative field has a special attachment unlike many other professions. It is a part of us. So this balance is delicate. But I try to stay mindful that if I am not careful, if I don’t take time to my self, to be centered I actually hurt the work I am trying to produce by not being at my best physically, mentally, or in my life relationships. The hustle culture can be damaging. Don’t confuse this approach with being too hands off, or “soft” as one may say. When your focus is on the work, be an absolute animal. Read more>>
Your most important assets are your time and you energy! With the onset of the pandemic, I really had to shift the way I worked. From busy and bustling nonstop to a more focused schedule with time to pause and reflect. This balance has helped me spend more time focusing on the most important people in my life – myself, my family & my patients. Read more>>
Being a Capricorn, I feel like work takes over my entire life. Being a queen who is relatively “new” to traditional drag, means that I am one in a million. And when I receive an invite to perform in drag, whether in person or virtually, I will do it. Paid or unpaid. I hope to one day be able to leave my 9-5 and work exclusively as an artist, whether that be making zines, doing drag, costume designing, photography, writing, curating shows, etc. I push myself and with this notion of ‘now is the time where I do all of the work to get to that point.’ However, because I am someone who is so excited and a bit impatient, I’ve had to pull out of gigs because I simply have given myself way too much to do. The most ambitious project I’ve ever taken on is my show “One vvoman Show” and usually it features a variety of performers, poets, performance artists, singers and musicians and drag performers. But I held my winter show as me being the only performer… and that was quite a task to take on. Sleep during those first two weeks of January, was scarce. It was so taxing. Read more>>
My work-life balance has changed immensely over the years. To be honest, it is constantly changing. I’m realizing as I grow in my business that rest and restoration are vital to my creative and mental health. Of course, setting boundaries with your clients, having set office hours to create, check emails, show up on social, etc. are all key components to having an effective work-life balance. But, how I think about balance is how I’m showing up for myself and for my clients in the best way possible and what that looks like for me — what steps I’m taking to show up as my best self in and out of the office. Being in a field that requires so much creativity out of you can be extremely draining. Therefore, allowing yourself to rest and giving yourself creative health days are so necessary. Setting time aside to create for yourself, practice self-care, shop or simply do nothing is essential! There are days where I’ll just binge-watch TV all day. Read more>>
Everyone’s idea of work-life balance is different, and a perfectly “balanced” schedule for one person might not work for another type of person. Some people say, “You work too much,” but to me, working energizes me, and within that, I find inspiration and ultimately happiness. I thrive when my work and personal life are slightly “off balance.” On the other hand, I realize and value the importance of non-work time. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned to truly disconnect on a day-off (everything will be ok if you turn your phone off for the afternoon). A few of the things that help me disconnect and recharge my mood are: long distance runs in the heat, a good Thai foot massage (and cheap!), movies on the big screen, and a simple homecooked meal with a glass of red Burgundy. Read more>>
Now more than ever, work-life balance is very important to me. I now have my own family and a 5-year-old son, so it is very important to me and my wife that I am able to be present and active as he grows up. As a small business leader, hard work and extra hours are always going to be a part of the job description, but I know that the better I do at work, the more opportunity I am going to be able to create for everyone around me. I also realize that in order to pour into others, we must first fill ourselves so a proper work-life balance is vital. I find my balance working a five day week. Sometimes it maybe 45 to 65 hours worth of work put in during the week, but I am able to find my disconnect on Saturday and Sunday. The weekends with my family allow me to fill back up and recharge for the upcoming week. Three years ago, we made a bold decision to close on weekends and extend that same benefit to our staff. Read more>>
Work life balance was pretty much non-existant to me. I was working full-time in a corporate role that burnt me out and left me completely depleted and unmotivated. Having to digest that what I worked for my entire life was no longer my purpose was devastating and awakening. Turning 30 this year, there are many fears and insecurities that come from looking to change careers at this point in my life, specially as a woman. But, what I have learned most from this journey is that mentality is everything. Things can either be challenging or filled with opportunity. Re-evaluating the kind of work-life balance that I not only wanted for my sanity but also for my physical well-being was uncomfortable, to say the least. There are many things I took time to learn during quarantine, one of them being that you do not have to burn out in a job you hate for half your life to amass wealth and live a life full of professional achievements – They definitely don’t teach that in school. So, I set my eyes on becoming an entrepreneur and the rest is history. Read more>>
“Balance” is a key word in my life. Sometimes balanced and other times unbalanced. There are different areas of my life that I try to maintain balance. I see facets of ourselves in the quarters of a pie: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. I try to keep all 4 balanced in the big picture. Sometimes, a natural imbalance occurs. For instance, if I am preparing for a seminar, the mental may take more of my time. Or if I was training for a marathon, then the physical may demand more. But overall, I try to maintain this balance because each quarter supports the rest of the pie. An area that has changed over time is my balance between work and family. Before I had children, I worked 40 plus hours a week. I also went back to graduate school to pursue my doctorate in psychology. When I had my first child, I was beginning my full time internship, so there was no balance. But after that, I was able to work part time hours and able to balance my work, even volunteer work, with my three children. Read more>>