Shoot your shot? Take a chance? Society bombards us with messages, phrases, examples and stories of how taking risk is the key to success, but is anything ever that simple? We asked some of the brightest folks we know to tell us about how they think about risk. We’ve shared their responses below.
Yasmin Rosales | CEO of Stir It Up Mobile Bartending & Lead Bartender
I’m very comfortable with risk. I think all entrepreneurs need to feel some degree of comfort with calculated risk in order to succeed. Though it’s worth noting that all risks are not created equal. There’s a big difference between a foolish and calculated risk. The key is learning how to decipher one from the other before making any final decisions. Read more>>
Nancy Ferraro | Estate Planning Attorney and Author
I never considered my choices as risk taking, just the next logical step for my life. Let’s face it. Whether making life decisions or career moves, everyone has a little trepidation, even fear, when stepping off a cliff. Right or wrong, I have always assumed that everything would turn out okay. And, for the most part, it has. Where I am now is exactly where I am supposed to be. Read more>>
Samuel ‘Prettyboy” Odom | Entrepreneur ,Daytrader & Celeb Booking Agent
Risk Taking is what makes champions! Experience is the best teacher in life! I Tell people i Rather take 1000 risks because it builds Character, Knowledge and Give u experiences others are scared or wouldnt take! I rather lose 1000 times taking a risk investing in Myself, Brands, Knowledge because when i win i win big! So we either Win or learn we dont lose because everything is a Risk but Knowing the Risk Mgmt and the Overall outcome should drive u more! This is why i have so many hustles and businesses! If i dont take a risk how will i know it this wasnt my oppourtnity! I come from Group Homes so It was only up from me and i wouldnt let my situation hold me back! Read more>>
Marcela Guillen
I believe life is a risk in itself because nothing is really guaranteed and honestly, I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for taking the risk of following my intuition and trusting the process when opportunities arise and/or there’s lack of thereof. Personally, I believe life is about embracing the uncertainty of the unknown and still going for it specially when it feels the most scary and therefore, challenging… so next time you find yourself overthinking it, just go ahead and take that risk because I promise you that the worst thing that could happen is having to start all over again and sometimes, most times, a good reset is all we really need to bounce back even when we can’t seem to see it just yet! Read more>>
Leah Monet | Dancer to Instructor
Risk taking has played a big role in my life. I took a step out on faith deciding to open a dance studio. I had no knowledge in being a dance studio owner or where even where to begin. Dance has always been apart of my life since the age of 3. I took my first dance class at daycare and the dance teacher told my mom that she needed to put me in a dance studio ASAP. So my mom did and there I was dancing at Ballethnic in Atlanta, GA Read more>>
David Molho | Music Producer / Groovyland Studios Owner
A few years back in time I was working as a composer / sound editor for a top 3 music production house in Miami. It was a great job, your typical 10 to 7++ and then back home. It used to work great for me, as I was being able to learn and grow in the industry, and my personal life started when the work day was over, just like any other person… It was then when I understood that in order to achieve my personal goals both in work and in my life, those 2 needed to become 1, and I needed to go the extra mile. There was a risk to be taken and that was the right time for it. Read more>>
Sheyla Kahalehoe | Dessert Business Owner
I think about risk as one of the factors that lead to success. You never really know until you try has been a saying I have heard my entire life. I come from Hawaii, one of the most melted pots in the world and one fo the most isolated places in the USA. To make it to the next level or to even attempt to make a life or go to college, we had to take risks and get on a plane and make a life for ourselves. Even before turning 18, taking risks and making mistakes were something that was encouraged by my coaches, teachers, and parents. Read more>>