The Risk Series: how do you think about risk?

Risk is the most common topic that comes up in our conversations with entrepreneurs and so each week we ask entrepreneurs to talk to us on the record about how they think about risk.
My greatest risk was actually my career. I could have been working in a different field like architecture which is in my educational background but my passion was really on giving back. Branches gave me the life opportunity I was looking for and it has been truly amazing and rewarding. Sometimes life choices determine who you are and where you belong and this was certainly the right choice for me; it has given me the chance to give back to our community in so many ways. My suggestion is to always stay humble and grounded so that when you contribute, the end result is not about you but about who is in need. Read more>>
My life was one of many obstacles and trauma. The cards were stacked against me. Risk was always part of my life until I decided to make it work for my favor. I turned risk into seasons of leaping. Leaping allows me to do everything afraid and dream big. It allows me to go for the position I’m not fully qualified for, manifest the desire to be a best selling author, and to create a beautiful family by breaking generational curse. Why not me? Turn risk taking into seasons of leaping to live the life you want. Read more>>
Based on prior life experiences, taking risks was something I felt like I had to do. Risks were circumstances I couldn’t be afraid of. With the way life was growing up, I had no choice but to jump out and venture into different things; that was my form making mistakes and leaning from them. Times like those were set upon me causing me to realize that I have to do this for myself or else it’ll never get done. As far as my career, risks have allowed me to learn more about myself and have provided me with opportunities that force me to take that leap of faith. When its comes to taking risks it really is all about believing in yourself. You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take. Nothing happens overnight, everything takes time and that’s just another key point taking risks have taught me. Read more>>