What’s one piece of conventional advice that you disagree with?

In our experience, success is highly correlated with an ability to disregard conventional wisdom and advice. We aren’t sure why, but we assume it’s because those who are able to disagree with conventional wisdom are less prone to group-think and herd-mentality. We asked some inspiring folks from the community to share one piece of conventional advice that they disagree with.
One piece of conventional advice that I disagree with is, ‘You can’t do it all.’ I’ve been told that by many mentors, learned it in school, read it in books. And I agree with it to a degree — No matter how many things you have going on, you must be focused with a clear end goal in sight. However, I believe sometimes you need to find your passion and that takes time and trying new things. Your passion may even start out as a side hustle, and that’s okay! Main gigs fund dreams. The goal is to grow into your side hustle until your side hustle can become your main thing. Read more>>
To answer to this complex question we will have to define what is conventional! What I am going to share with you will be what I think at the moment of time. You will all agree with me on what we went through lately internationally, have been redefining the norms. I think you will also agree that we all have been reevaluating our life with some deep soul searching to reconsider our mental, physical and professional well been. So I will start my answer to the question by who I am, because I think this is crucial to comprehend what my business and my profession can be. Read more>>
Attending college. I feel like now with technology being so prevalent there’s so many different routes you can take to get a nice job without needing to attend a 4 year school and possibly sunk yourself into debt. I only partially disagree with going to college because some people definitely need that to achieve their goals and what they want to do in life sometimes college is absolutely a necessity but in others it can definitely be skipped especially in the case of pursing a job in the arts or entertainment I feel it’s more beneficial use the 4 years you would be in school to try to jump start and get your foot in the door. Read more>>
Money is the most important thing for a business. I believe this corners entrepreneurs into believing that money is more powerful than their time, risk, sacrifice, and network they have built. It also tilts the scales to give investors and banks a greater power than the person behind turning that money into something tangible. I always joke that I wish it only took money to build a business! I believe that money is 1 of 5 equal metrics when deciding who or what has contributed to the success of a business: Time, Risk, Sacrifice, Network, and Money. You can’t have one without the other. Read more>>
As young children, we are asked what we want to be when we grow up. The answer most parents expect is a doctor, a nurse, a lawyer or any career that earns you a high income. People often say, if you are going to college, make sure its worth the time and money and pick a career in which you will become rich. I have to say I disagree with this advice. I strongly believe in following you heart and your passion. I went to school and obtained two degrees in fields I have little interest in and I did it to try and live the dream of having a good career and to make my parents proud. Read more>>
While it might sound preposterous, I disagree with all conventional advice unless you are. looking for a generic, conventional self. Given that we have different strengths and aesthetics, and different histories, and different social groups, we likely need to find our own source of inspiration and follow it. No one knows what “resonates” with you better than you do. Have the courage to find your own way and not base it on the advice of others whose strengths likely don’t fit with yours. Advice is over-rated. Self-examination is not. Read more>>
Some people like to say: don’t let your dreams interfere with your life. I say: don’t let life interfere with your dreams. Read more>>
“Just keep pushing, power through, work hard 24/7 or give up.” When I was younger, I had a lot of misconceptions about what it truly meant to be an artist. Despite illness, physical weakness, and limited time, I had convinced myself that “Real Artists” push themselves. That no Real Artist takes breaks, faces struggles in creativity, or has any bump in their work flow. All this brought was an expectation that I could ultimately never reach- a dangerous fantasy of constant creation. Read more>>