Work-Life Balance: is there such a thing?

A host of factors, developments, and dynamics have made most industries more competitive than ever. As a result so many of us wonder whether there is still such a think as work-life balance. We reached out to community to hear perspectives on finding the right balance.
I believe the idea behind work-life-balance is an evolving definition. Work-life balance is an important aspect of a healthy work environment while at the same time, finding fulfillment in ones life whether you work at home, out on the field or at an office. For me, it wasn’t always that way. I used to work 10 hour days in my business during the first 14 years of my career. I was a machine. Read more>>
My work life balance consists of being a mother, painter, and makeup artist in film and television. As a mother, I take care of family responsibilities in partnership with my husband and 14-year-old son. I make time every day to paint, usually, every evening until 3 AM. This is when I have alone time, and my feelings are reflected in my spontaneous creations. Read more>>
In the beginning of any business, I think any owner has to do all the work themselves at first. Then you find out, you can not do it alone and need some help! I was never afraid to ask, look for help or start delegating tasks. The problem is, when you are new, you do not have as much money or working capital or how to even hire or pay someone to help you. Read more>>
I always gravitate towards questions about work life balance. I think it’s all about the stage of life that you are experiencing. For example, when I was in my 20’s, I was 200% full throttle about fashion styling, I was getting my hands on any project I can and created a never ending work environment for myself. This was an essential part of who I am in my career now, an important building block. Read more>>
My work life balance is very unique in it’s own right. When I 1st entered the live entertainment business (Est 2003-2006/Recording Artist MC & 2007-To date Professional Poet/Host/All Around live Entertainer), It were just my wife & I (2003-2008 she was my girlfriend). The 1st 5-6 years, you could literally find me performing/recording 4-7 days/nights a week at an event of some sort as an artist. Read more>>