We asked some of the city’s rising stars to reflect on what made a difference in their journey. We asked them to tell us about what they think the most important factor has been behind their success.
Tyler Barnes | Lead Singer/Frontman of ¡FUÁKATA!
Our most important factor is that we do everything ourselves. We are a DIY band that creates our own logos, writes our own music, and books our own shows. If we ever need help with flyers or anything in between, we try our best to keep it local and seek help from friends and family. Read more>>
Rafael Disla | Entrepreneur
Creating relationships with our customers attributes to our success. And it’s not so much of saying hi when they walk in the door or thanking them when they leave, which is extremely important, but getting to know their families, their style of cooking, how they like their meat cut, what sports they like to watch and even hanging outside to have a simple conversation that isn’t to convince them to shop with you. Read more>>
Felipe Azenha | Co-Founder of CinderFit
Surrounding myself with people that are smarter than me. A great team is needed to accomplish big things and there is only so much any one person can do. In the very early stages of CinderFit my partner and I sought to involve advisors that could help us take the brand to another level. Read more>>
Ja’Quez Taylor | Educational Leader
To me, the most important factor behind my success has been that I continue to model for Black and Brown boys that look like me in a positive manner. My success is much bigger than me as a person. I want my success and legacy to be remembered by those that I have impacted along my journey as an educator. Read more>>
Ricardo Alberty | Director of Business Development
Honesty! Working hard to make sure that we give the best possible experience to our customers. If you make the customer feel like part of the company or the family, that customer will be loyal to you and your brand. Read more>>
Elliot Durant III | Water store co owner
We are one of only two alkaline drinking water stores in Miami. Also, one of the only alkaline drinking water delivery services available in Miami Read more>>
Sacha Owens | Master Personal Trainer, Certified Sports Nutrition Coach, Gym owner
The most important factor behind my success and brand was and still is hard work and dedication. It is an absolute 150 percent effort given 7 days a week. I have always been into fitness, started teaching kick boxing at the age of 18 but I am an artist at heart, even went to college and art school for that- but art ended up on the back burner and fitness ended up being the money maker. Read more>>
King Jewell | Creative Director
Being Authentic. We’re in a time where brands and businesses are selling to you but not speaking to you. I think it’s important that the consumer understands that not only do we want their support financially (buying the product) but you love the brand the people that represent the brand. Word of mouth goes a long way and I believe through this method we have been successful. Read more>>
Paul Silva | Spiritual Mentor & Guide
The number one factor in the success of my brand and business is authenticity. Without it, there’s only empty words and promises. Being authentic is the key to showing up in all parts of my own self and business. My business is an extension of who I am, so how I show up for me is how I show up for my clients, my social media, and my business as a whole. Read more>>
Carly Ristuccia | Artist
One of the parts of my art business I’m most proud of would be my mission to be environmentally friendly. I design on repurposed vinyl records as my main canvas. I love the nostalgia of records and am a huge music fan. However, sustainably speaking, they are not produced very environmentally friendly. Read more>>