Meet Waldys Foubelo: Artist
We had the good fortune of connecting with Waldys Foubelo and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Waldys, what is the most important factor behind your success?
For me, the most important factor behind my success is being myself. Being genuine and authentic without caring about other’s opinions or ideas/views of who you are. Artists need freedom to be able to express themselves, however they need to do it. Not everyone is going to be ok with it or love it, but that is the beauty of art. Everyone needs to do their own thing and not try to please the crowd. Do it for yourself not for others.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
Wow, where to start with this one? I would describe my work as “electric”, “energetic”, “fun”, “sexy”, “colorful” and some times “surreal”. I have been an “official” artist since 2000, which is when I started working on and perfecting my skills and creating artwork. I’m very proud of where it has taken me and the person/artist I have become, this is who I was always meant to be. Of course it was not easy getting here, I have seen and experienced many things through the years, good and bad, and horrible, and it has molded me into the artist that I am today. I think being mentally/emotionally strong helped me a lot, the will to keep going no matter what anyone says or thinks, and building thicker skin (which is very important in this industry). Being myself, being genuine and not letting anyone or anything change that. Staying humble and kind. I think the most important lesson for me has been accepting that not everyone is going to like me or my work. Critiques and perspectives are not personal, and no artist should take them as such. Although, I do not tolerate disrespect, bad manners or arrogance. The one thing I would like everyone to take from this is that we all have a gift, and that gift should be shared, experienced and celebrated. As one of my favorite bands said: “become the one you know you are!” – Goldfrapp. Be your authentic self and do what you do because you would die if you didn’t do it!
Any great local spots you’d like to shoutout?
Well, I’m actually a cave dweller and don’t get out too much anymore. I live in Miami so you can imagine all the options. I think for artists and creative people, a place called Wynwood (design district) would be ideal. There are bars and restaurants on every corner. But, most importantly, the entire place is covered in murals and wall art. Is like a huge gallery for blocks and blocks. Every building is covered with incredible artwork by some amazing artists. It’s one of my favorite places in Miami.
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
Well, that list is a bit long if I mention everyone so I will stick with a few. To start, my family. They have always supported me through everything and always stand behind me no matter what. My husband, Terry Dunlap for supporting me through my artistic journey for the past 17 years. Lastly, I want to thank my friends Aaron Towle, Brande Summers, Christina Paul, Sef Berkers, Susie Hall and Marilyn Weyher who are incredibly talented artists and writers and have been friends for the past few years, Always supporting, encouraging, and inspiring me.
Image Credits
Waldys Foubelo