Our community is made up of brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs, but many of them are also dedicated parents and so we asked them an in port at question: If you are a parent, what do you think is the most important thing you’ve done as a parent in terms of the impact on your children?

Megan Gutman | Surrogacy Agency Owner

The most important thing I’ve done as a parent is to lead by example when it comes to resilience, hard work, and compassion. Starting my surrogacy agency and raising my twins as a single mother has been a balancing act, but I want my children to see that it’s possible to follow your dreams and make a meaningful difference in the world, even when faced with challenges. I hope they grow up understanding the value of creating opportunities for others, as surrogacy has been such a gift in my life and the lives of so many families. Through my actions, I aim to teach them to be strong, empathetic, and driven to contribute positively to the world. Read more>>

Lauren Hofstatter | Licensed mental health counselor and PhD student

By becoming a therapist, I’ve been able to learn how to become a better listener and I’m more understanding mother with my own children. I have 10 children ,eight girls two boys. While every child is different and they all have different needs, being a trained therapist has really helped me be able to try my best to accommodate everyone. Read more>>

Gissell Uriarte | Professional makeup artist/ hairstylist and aesthetician

My biggest and most impactful role as a parent is giving my daughter my undivided attention, being a positive role model, also teaching her about God provides her with the foundation for a strong character that will guide her throughout her life. Read more>>