Taking Chances: reflections on risk

Shoot your shot? Take a chance? Society bombards us with messages, phrases, examples and stories of how taking risk is the key to success, but is anything ever that simple? We asked some of the brightest folks we know to tell us about how they think about risk. We’ve shared their responses below.
Life is sought of like a casino house and the stock market. All of us are playing the game of life. And the ones who are rewarded are those who were willing to take a risk. Most of everything that has happened in my life happened because I like to take risk. Pursuing a career as an indie film writer & director takes a lot of risk, determination, faith and high risk. Read more>>
Well I wasn’t taking risks in the beginning, I began my photography journey constantly overthinking and comparing, so I hid behind my 9-5 job, and kept saying I was “building my portfolio.” When I lost my job, I was worried, but it was the exact push I needed to turning my passion into my business. It was a giant risk to lose a steady income for my dream job, but it was the best decision I’ve ever made. I actually enjoy getting up and going to work, and it has made me so much more confident in my work. The risk was definitely high, but I wouldn’t be where I am without taking them. So I’m going to continue to take them and see where they lead me. Read more>>
I love taking risks! Not because they are fun but I feel that for us as human beings to reach our potentials we have to get out of our comfort zones. Many times it involves being afraid and uncertain and that’s ok. Sometimes we feel like “we are not ready” or we want to wait until the conditions are perfect. I believe that most of the times these are just self limitations and excuses we give ourselves for not taking action. Something that I’ve learn is that if you wait for perfection you will never reach it and the opportunities might be gone then. However, even thought I believe “saying yes” and taking risks will bring a lot of opportunities your way, I also believe that you have to listen to your inner truth and follow what is in alignment with your values and vision. When we live in a journey of personal growth and mastery, fear and uncertainty might be a constant in our lives. Read more>>
Risk to me is being able to look at an opportunity and really going after it. In my personal life there have been many risks taken from going back to College at the age of 25 to completely diving in to the world of murals and their creations. Being around many amazing graffiti and street art artists for the last 15 plus years has also shown me that risk is an important factor to success. Many of the artist I know have taken an amazing amount of risk to become the amazing artists they are today. And I think for me as just a graphic designer and a fan watching from the sides they thought me it what fruition can come out of taking risks. So about 4 years ago I decided to open up my own company Galera Collective or G Collective as we now call it in order to assist artists with a platform to land bigger and better jobs. I must say it’s been the best decision I’ve made to date. Read more>>
I smile as I reflect on this question. All who know me can attest to my willingness to try new things. I go against the odds which forges my sense of innovation fueled by my innate ability to take risks. I once did a sky-dive, one of the most daredevil things I have ever done–16,000 ft. in the air. Though that has nothing to do with my business, it provides the perfect opportunity to share my journey. As I pondered that very risky step, I searched and found the perfect place in Ocean City, with no record of failure (yikes!). On arrival, I signed so many papers about liability. That alone would discourage the brave from going through with the feat. But I did it and soared above the clouds high in the air while my youngest watched, too scared to do it herself. I apply this sense of adventure to my entrepreneurship endeavor. Read more>>