Are you thinking about starting a business? If so, we think you’ll enjoy reading about how these seasoned entrepreneurs thought about the question when they were in your shoes.
Cassidy Diaz | Certified Teeth Whitening Technician
So there actually wasn’t much thought. It kind of happened by accident. I had braces for a few years and when I finally got them removed I wanted to whiten my teeth, the only problem was I couldn’t find a salon that offered it and the dentist was too expensive (about $500 for one session) After months of searching I came across a teeth whitening business in my area and when I got there I thought to myself “should I do teeth whitening?” It was right in the middle of Covid so wasn’t working anyway and it didn’t seem very popular compared to the other beauty services. I did my research and decided to go for it and was trained and certified by DaVinci Teeth Whitening, a Colorado based company (the best in the business) and 3 years later here we are. Read more>>
Kristie Stephenson | Creator of Story and Myth
It was a passion project, a curiosity. I had access to gemstones but became really intrigued by these seeds that grew on a grass. There were also stories and folklore surrounding the seeds. I started researching spiritual jewelry and that took me to the Buddhist and Hindu Mala. I taught myself how to make them using these seeds. I was into yoga and wellness and no one in the island was utilising the seeds how I wanted to. Read more>>
Florian Boggia | Fashion Photographer & Real Estate Agent
I first entered the fashion industry as a model, being scouted while I was doing an internship in New York City. I was then traveling a lot in Europe for modeling, and at that time, I had my first small camera with me I was carrying around with me. I was taking photos of everything on the streets and of my model friends from all different countries. Eventually, on summer 2019 when coming back from a couple months in Athens, I sat down at home and figured about starting my own business as photographer. Covid then came up quickly after, and I had more time to think about where I wanted to go in photography. I quickly got high-end clients like Balmain, Elle Russia, and many more, which helped pave my way into more Fashion and Celebrity photography. Read more>>
Pauline Dillon | Pauline M Dillon Published Author & Mentor
I enjoy working on my own, the freedom to work on my own time is definitely a plus, and I totally enjoy being a mentor and coach to young people. I enjoy helping others to grow to their full potential. And the inspiration to write my books, I wanted to share my story to encourage others. Read more>>
Marissa Lipton | Marissa Lipton Event’s CEO: The South Florida Business Owner Connector
I saw this as an incredible opportunity for business owners to connect. I saw how hard people were working to build a brand and get in front of others, and some didn’t know how to market themselves and I had to do something it. Read more>>