Loving what you do is the goal for so many, and so we asked folks who do love what they do why they love it and what they love about it most.

Melissa Vlahos | Healing Arts

I support women in tapping into their self-love, acceptance & creative potential and unleashing it in an expressive way through body paint and conscious movement. It is so fulfulling to me to be witness to woman opening up and allowing themselves to be vulnerable in their thoughts, bodies and with each other. Vulnerability is strength and it takes the knowing of that and courage to be with all sides of yourself, even the ones we try to hide. To see the emotions you embody expressed in color on your body as a canvas or feeling the movement of your body take over thought is seeing someone as their most authentic self. Read more>>

Bashak Ilhan | Founder & E-Commerce Expert

I love creating new brands. I am passionate about building brands, telling stories, creating innovative ways of doing business, inspiring my clients with the data-driven methods and generate growth around e-commerce. Read more>>

Jonathan M. Fields | Acupuncturist & Functional Medicine Doctor

I love what I do because I get to face people who have been failed by the conventional medical system. They have seen all the specialists, tried all the drugs, done all the procedures and are still suffering terribly. They come to me out of last resort, after the doctors told them they have no chance or dismissed them as crazy. The part I love the most is telling them, “There is hope. We can fix this. I see it all the time and much worse. You will recover.” And even more than that, I love to see them succeed. It feels good to help others get their lives back on track. Read more>>

Amy Agramonte | Entrepreneur, Marketer & Professor

“We love what we do” is actually in my email signature! Why do I love what I do? Because I do fun stuff everyday. That’s the short answer. But more deeply, I get to be wildly creative, work with inspiring clients and be in the classroom with bright young minds. What do I do though? Well, in one part of my career, I create brands. I own a boutique marketing agency that focuses on brand creation and management. It’s my playground for sure. I sometimes work with clients that are just starting out and we will develop everything from a name, logo and tagline. Read more>>