Meet Candace Riggins | Clothing designer

We had the good fortune of connecting with Candace Riggins and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Candace, putting aside the decision to work for yourself, what other decisions were critical to your success?
Other than deciding to work for myself I’d have to say the most important decision that not only contributed,but created my success would have to be the idea of showing up for what I started. I started Kandy culture when I was fresh out of highschool with no experience in the clothing industry . Just ideas my moms closet and a dream really. But people depended on me to do the work I signed up for… so Even when I’m tired. Unmotivated. Or sometimes not feeling like my most creative self. I still show up for my brand. And that has been the most important thing not only in my career but in my life! I’ve let the idea of failure stop Me once and it has by far been my biggest regret. Everyone talks about entrepreneurship and the perks of it but nobody says anything about the long nights that they really wanted to just go to sleep But didn’t and still managed to hold up their obligations as a business owner. And there is truly no better feeling than that. Finally completing your task and your client feeling like their best self. A celebrity even! I always joke and say even if I was dead people would expect their outfit and that is so true! And doesn’t even hurt my feelings anymore. I am the brand and everything in it and I more than love what I do and who I do it for. And am blessed to wake up and do it everyday.
Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
In my eyes. This is more than a brand. More than a sale more than a number at the end of the night. This is my art. And I never looked at myself as an artist until recently Or even a designer really although I’ve been creating for years now.there was still apart of me that was afraid of the real work that goes into not only being a entrepreneur but a successful artist. Afraid of being in the public eye with something that my hands literally created from nothing. But people would go out of their way to work with/ find me and that put everything into perspective! I have to carry myself as the Boss and the creative. And since that major switch in myself I’ve done so much better! Not only in sales but in my art form. I’m so excited to see what’s next for kandyculture
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
There’s so many people I could thank personally but first id like to publicly thank god for that he’s done and continues to do for me in public and in private. All my long nights of hard work wouldn’t be worth it without him. I would also genuinely like to thank everyone who has ever bought from me liked a post or supported my dream in any way shape or form, in no way does it go unnoticed! I thank you all . From my Vegas family and friends to Miami friends and family and everywhere in between. I’m so thankful that I have so many people who genuinely support me and can imagine me on top! There’s no greater feeling…people I’ve never met before loving me and my craft I will forever be grateful! Lastly thank you to everyone who said this wouldn’t work! That made me go 100 times harder!
Instagram: Shop_kandyculture
Facebook: Shop_kandyculture