Risk, Reward & Life

We asked some brilliant folks from the community to talk to us about how they think about risk and the role risk has played in their lives and careers.
I don’t think about risk too much because if you don’t risk you won’t receive any rewards. If you fail that’s ok to me that’s the best way to learn! I always say I turn my L’s into lessons and you gotta believe in yourself in order for other’s to believe in you. Read more>>
I think that when there is risk that is where you have to aim. In life you always take risks, we also call it fears. When acquiring this business there were many risks. I left my country to come look for new opportunities in the United States, I assumed the role of business owner at 22 years old without any knowledge, managed in a language, which is not my native language. Read more>>
As an individual who actually studied and graduated it has been a constant battle between my dreams and real life since being an independent artist means quitting law school to dedicate full time to my dream and it is definitely a risk. Read more>>
Entrepreneurs are born risk takers that continually bet on themselves defining all odds. This is why they are referred to as the 1%. They live a Roller Coaster Lifestyle of High and Lows and take on so many responsibilities, ensuring job creations for the masses. Read more>>
Taking risks has been a fundamental part of my journey, both personally and professionally. I believe that risk is an inherent component of growth and transformation. The biggest risk I took was deciding, after 15 years in the corporate world, that I no longer wanted to pursue a corporate career. Read more>>
I believe risk is what keeps us growing. It is the catalyst that pushes us out of our comfort zones and propels us towards our goals. Without the willingness to take risks, we would likely remain stuck in the same place, unable to reach our full potential. Read more>>