What makes you happy? Why?
At the end of the day, if you aren’t happy, what’s the point of all the hustle? So we asked the community: what makes you happy and why?
At the end of the day, if you aren’t happy, what’s the point of all the hustle? So we asked the community: what makes you happy and why?
At the end of the day, if you aren’t happy, what’s the point of all the hustle? So we asked the community: what makes you happy and why?
It’s the small stuff. To answer your question about what makes me happy? It’s the orchids blooming in my yard, it’s the “good morning beautiful”, that I get from my fiancé in the morning. It’s my dog Koko, who rolls over as I walk over to her to pet her belly as her talk starts to wag, it’s being able to open my eyes and knowing I have my health when so many are suffering, when my kids come home and smile, laugh or just give me hugs and tell me they love me. Read more>>
I’m in constant pursuit of my daily happiness. Often, I feel like a butterfly caught in a constant pendulum of metamorphosis. I probably shouldn’t be so histrionic, but it’s my truth. I am a tenor after all! Jokes aside – I do my best to wake up every day and be grateful for my life and for living the life I’ve chosen. This is particularly hard to remember when I feel like I haven’t accomplished much. Read more>>
I believe that the definition of happiness is a moving target, an ongoing creation. Before I could understand what made me happy, I had to explore and understand my purpose. I like to think of happiness as living in accordance to my values and to remind myself of those values I use the four C’s, connection, curiosity, compassion and contribution. Connection is about staying in the present long enough to find out who you really are. Read more>>
My son, my granddchildren. Nature. Happiness is not found outside it comes from within. Being grateful makes me happy. Being compassionate makes me happy. I lost two children 15 and 17 years ago. My accountant gave me the book by Wayne Dyer “The Power of Intention” and it changed my life. I love his quote “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. We only have the present; we can’t change the past and the future hasn’t happened. Read more>>
One of our marketing phrases is, “Doing the Right Thing can lead to a Good Thing!” We deliver the world’s premier sustainability certification program, the Edenark Group ISO 14001. It is, by a significant margin, the world’s most respected and followed sustainability standard and our price is roughly 5% that of lesser programs. Our program is unique in many ways and we are published by the United Nations. Read more>>